Now it's at this stage that I begin to know how he felt. When I was a nipper, my grandad used to take me to football games but once the terraces were full I could barely see over the heads of all the big people and it was a real drag not to be able to catch the action as it happened. And I've been at a few 'standup' concerts, where you spend the whole night straining your neck to just get a glimpse of the stage. So for the diminutive tax collector, the sort of character Danny deVito displays in films, it was never going to be enough. He needed a better view. Isn't it interesting that he ran ahead, knowing that Jesus was definitely going in his direction and then climbed a tree where not only he could see easily but could also be easily seen. I just cannot imagine the shock on his face when Jesus calls him by name and invites himself to his house. We've had a few guests staying with us over the years and I reckon the two things you kind of want to do before anyone arrives is to have the house tidy and also have some food prepared in advance. So Zacchaeus is taken by surprise but maybe not as much as the folks standing around who just can't believe that their new hero is going to the house of the greatest rogue about .
But this encounter turns out to be the day that changes the life of Zacchaeus for ever. For once he comes face to face with Jesus, he is immediately aware of all the wrong he has done and immediately confesses and promises to put all things right and a bit more besides. I love Jesus' response to Zacchaeus' change of heart, for He says,'salvation has come to this home today.' But it's also what He adds that really quietens the crowd for He announces,'I ,the Son of Man, have come to seek and save those like him who are lost.'
You know this story that I've known since childhood and sung in a chorus at sunday school has still something to teach me all these years later and it's not just that the salvation Jesus offers is for anyone. It's the fact that He knows me by name just as well as He knew Zacchaeus and He knows you too and when He comes looking for us, there is really no place to hide. Be assured, an encounter with God will always be life changing and more than a little taxing.