As a child I rarely stopped to think deeply about Santa Claus, his generosity and why he does it year after year. It was enough to know that he made it to my house once a year, had a generosity that my mum and dad could never match and, even though they warned me that he only came to good boys and girls, he never let me down and always seemed to know exactly what I wanted. Sometimes he left our presents on the sofa in the kitchen, other times they were on the carpet in the living room, sometimes wrapped but usually not and on the very odd occasion, in the case of our new bikes, were left in the garage. And he always left something for mum as well, usually chocolates. I remember one year, feeling a bit disgruntled that he had left her nothing until she found a box of Milk Tray behind the curtain at the front door. And we always made sure he didn't go hungry himself, with a glass of milk, some cake and a carrot for his reindeer and all had disappeared by the time I got up on Christmas morning. Like I say, I never stopped to think how one carrot fed the whole herd or how he managed to get everone's presents on his sleigh, and how he coped with all those glasses of milk and occasionally something a little stronger, but then it's really only big people who worry about such things! When our boys were born, he immediately had our house on his address list and right from their first Christmas, even though they still didn't know he existed, he was delivering presents that they hadn't even requested. How thoughtful is that? And as they grew up, I recall how they felt the same excitement that I had known each Christmas Eve and the following morning, how sleep would desert them from the early hours and how he always delivered exactly what they wanted and more. It seemed to me that Santa Claus was actually getting richer as he got older!
And despite all his goodness down the years, I wouldn't even start to compare the love that is shown through Santa Claus with the love that Jesus has shown for me, for I feel his goodness every day of the year and not just on one special occasion. The great thing about his love is that he treats my needs and not just my wants as Paul says, writing to the Philippians, 'My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.' I don't know if you've ever stopped to think about why He does it and I can find no greater answer than the line in that old children's hymn, 'Because He loves me so.' Jesus came to this world, long before Santa Claus and He brings the greatest present of all that lasts for ever, but He needs to know that you want it!
1 comment:
dear i ws in very bad mood but ven i read ur article.. i strtd luving ppl arnd me ..luving the wrld.. stopped acussing others ,,stpped finding faults,stpped blaiming others for nothing .. yes i hav changed now...to be like the long beard man, its very very diffiult. but stil can try to b 0.5% of dat.
thnx for this beautiful article.
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