Nobody lives in school too but he can be a bit of a pest.I don't know how he copes with the loneliness but some nights when I go into school, after dark, and Nobody is there and all I want to do is get some work cleared up, Nobody bothers me all night and then I just get fed up and go home. And when I arrive home and wife asks me who I was talking to on my travels, I just say 'Nobody' and then she gives me that funny look as if I'm telling her some sort of fib.
Sometimes it's nice having Nobody around, especially when Nobody believes me and understands me about something. And I guess there are some issues in life that you can share with Nobody but again that's usually because Nobody listens. Nobody is also a very thoughtful person. When mum and dad reached their more senior years, most nights of the week they sat in the house and Nobody called to see them. Now that our boys spend more and more time away from the nest, I know exactly how my parents felt because Nobody knocks at our door. And when Nobody calls, the nights can be incredibly long. You see, Nobody knows how important friends are for with Nobody about life can be pretty mundane.
But it's not all good news. When I was still not into my teens, mum bought a forty five single that was popular at the time,called 'Nobody's Child.' It tells the story of a young boy, living in an orphanage, who had no parents and never got to experience the real love that only mums and dads can give to their children. It's such a sad song, filled with tears and sorrow about loneliness, no comforting arms, words or smiles and someone to turn to when life's issues,even for a young kid, loomed on the horizon. Indeed he was a child wanted by Nobody and yet Nobody could have been a proper parent.
I'm sure I have done things, said things and thought things when Nobody was around but I'm sure somebody else knew about them all. I know Nobody told Him for God sees and hears every thing we do or think about, even when Nobody is there. Indeed He reminded Samuel that 'Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.' He sees beyond the veneer we portray to others and knows the deep secrets of our hearts and minds.
The great thing about that song is that the young orphan recognised God for what He was and that in heaven he would be assured of a home where his heavenly Father would care for him better than any earthly parent. But to have that assurance we need to find God and His plan of salvation. And if we come in true repentance and faith, who will God reject. Nobody!