Ice Cream was one of the reasons I always looked forward to my uncle and aunt visiting us on a Sunday night at home. On their way, they nearly always stopped at Cafolla's ice cream shop in Armagh and would get a huge tub of raspberry ripple flavour that mum would have to dish out immediately and serve with some fruit cocktail as soon as they arrived. Occasionally, it would be sliders, you know that slice of ice cream between two wafers that the Australians more aptly call 'cream betweens' and while that's a cherished memory of my past, maybe it's more a reflection of the kindness of my uncle and aunt who had no family of their own but who lavished goodness on their nieces and nephews and whose personalities were equally endearing. He had a wonderful sense of humour and also a rare ability to make any story he told larger than life so that you waited for every word and she just laughed at him all the time and together they brought joy into our home many times.
And ice cream reminds me of an elderly couple who have often visited our school on their evangelistic tours from USA and who invariably sing a song that has the wonderfully bizarre first line of 'I love Jesus better than ice cream and ice cream's very good!' And guess what? Today I 'googled' the first line to try and get some more info about the song and its author and I come across a bebo site dedicated to that very song and based on the fact that while ice cream will melt and go sour, Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. And of course the last line of the verse is 'Jesus loves me better than ice cream and ice cream's very good' so despite the odd title I think the writer has a definite point to the whole song.
As I sit here thinking about pistachio ice cream, Cafolla's raspberry ripple, Bacci's ice cream parlour that used to be in Portadown, the delicious home made varieties from Newry and Rathfriland, Knickerbocker Glories and a wonderful apple pie flavour that had real bits of the pie hidden beneath the ice cream, I can't help also thinking that all these flavours are still within my reach. Maybe it's just that I'm not searching hard enough for them. And all the good things that God wants to give me are also within my grasp but either I'm not searching diligently in His Word or I simply haven't asked Him for them, thinking that He has them for someone else. But didn't Jesus say, 'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.' What's keeping me back? Not God's will anyway. So it must be my own. For God can bring more flavour to my life than any ice cream. I want to taste and see today.
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