As I said I was full of good intentions. I had just returned from the silo, emerged over the brow of the hill and ambled down the other side on to a flat piece of land, where the empty trailer had been deposited. As I waited for my next load to be left off, I moved out of the way, did a quick circle and came to rest half way down the slope. Soon the boss passed by, just beyond my empty trailer and unhitched my new load but as he did so, I noticed that the tail gate of his trailer was not properly closed. Quickly I jumped off my tractor and ran down the few yards to close it when I noticed him waving frantically at me and pointing over my shoulder. I just had time to turn round and see his lovely new Massey Ferguson 135 make contact with the side of the empty trailer that was directly in its line as it careered down the slope. As they say the more haste the less speed and I kept going over in my head if I had pulled on the hand brake but I just couldn't remember. The damage was considerable and I still can't recall whether or not I closed the tail gate on the other trailer, but I was truly sorry for my mistake. What I do remember was that the boss was very philosophical about the whole affair and my wage packet was still fully intact the next week, but I guess that's friends for you! Mind you, I had to drive around for the rest of the time on a tractor without a bonnet and it did pose some interesting questions for the neighbours.
Maybe that's a lesson for more than just me. Sometimes we do actually need to think about ourselves and not always about others and sometimes our good intentions mask problems that we just don't want to deal with. I don't mean to think of ourselves in a selfish sort of way but rather to examine ourselves before we start making plans to help others. To be honest I'm quite happy and capable of minding my own business so generally I don't expect anyone else to see the need to do that job for me. Jesus said 'Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?' I can find lots of problems with other people whom I know if I try hard enough, but I'm sure by the same token, they can see my faults as well and even if we can't see each other's shortcomings, I know God always sees them. Yet when I come to Him, sorry for my sinful nature, He is willing to forget all about these and not add them to my account and He never thinks any less of me, even when I let Him down. I guess that's what happens when your boss is also your friend.
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