I have never had a consuming interest in antiques, though I can appreciate the skill, craftsman ship and no little time involved in creating some of the masterpieces I have viewed. And all in an age when machines and computers took a back seat and man's imagination, ideas and learning were transmitted directly through his hands with all the care of handling a new-born baby. Yet, in an age where we are always wanting to have the latest electrical gadget, the software update, next season's fashion, the most recent car registration and the newest holiday destination, we still long for a slice of the past, and will pay to own it. Haven't we realised that it's second-hand at the very least? That's why I've thought of keeping my car for a long , long time, in the hope that it will be eventually classed as an antique and maybe one of my descendants will sell it and claim their fortune, but I doubt it!
When Jesus called his disciples, they had no time to consider their past but left immediately to follow him. Likewise, he also told another prospective follower who wanted time to say goodbye, that, 'No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.' And through his death and the new covenant of his blood, no longer was there any need to look to past sacrifices for cleansing.
I know Billy and his mum have always sold great antiques, but in their pleasant, friendly manner and the quality of their stock, they have always ensured their future, as few customers fail to return again and again. But with God, our future doesn't depend on our past and there's no time like the present to find out.
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